Blessing of the Child of Wonder
May the blessing of Wonder be upon you.
May your soul awaken to the glow of the newborn Sun.
May you find your life is a fresh page waiting to be written upon.
May you begin again, be born again, a new self and a new journey.
May you turn the Wheel once again toward hope.
May you know that each child is a Holy Child.
I bless you with the radiance of a crown of candles, nestled in evergreens.
I bless you with sparkling visions and dreams of the year that is yet to be.
I bless you with the return of the light and the promise of longer days.
I am the Child of Wonder.
I know the first word of every story.
Go now, set out on the spiral path of your life, and remember me.
When the moon is barely new, remember me.
On the threshold of renewal, remember me.
When you kindle a hearth-fire on the darkest night of the year, remember me.
When you emerge from the womb of darkness into a brilliant dawn, remember me.
When you open your heart to hope, remember me.
Go now, and know we shall be one.
Today, tonight, and forevermore.
— Joanna Powell Colbert, from the Sacred Wheel Oracle, a work-in-progress
Dear Ones,
I love the liminality of these days, this “time out of time,” between Solstice and New Year’s. (I learned that lovely phrase and concept from my friend Waverly Fitzgerald, now an ancestor.) I hope you create enough space and time in your life for rest and quiet and solitude, as well as enough social, celebratory time. Both are so important at this time of year.