Resting + “Old One” Artwork-in-Progress
A peek at a current work in progress on my drawing board
Dear Ones,
I don’t know about you, but my stress and grief this week manifested mostly in weariness and exhaustion. Like many others, I’m not yet ready to make decisions about the best use of my time, energy, and resources going forward as we collectively cope with the new U.S. administration. I pressed “pause” on consuming news and information this week. I gave myself permission to go for walks, then come home and bundle up in my favorite blanket with a mug of hot coffee or tulsi rose tea. Then I’d take a nap. Lots of naps! In between naps, I got together with friends or worked on art.
Quite by chance or synchronicity, I found a gem of a podcast episode: “Make Rest Your Revolution” with Tricia Hersey. She was interviewed by Glennon, Abby, and Amanda on “We Can Do Hard Things” and it was just what I needed to hear. Here it is on Spotify. You can also find it wherever you listen to podcasts.
Tricia Hersey of the Nap Ministry wrote Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto back in 2016, which is when I first became aware of her work. I deeply appreciate her insistence on breaking free of grind culture (lifelong over-productive Capricorn here) and embracing rest as a spiritual practice.
Those of us who are in the “elder” stage of life might find it easier than our younger companions to slow down. In many cases, we can’t help it; it’s what our bodies need. Even so, I still notice toxic inner messages taunting me, telling me I’m not doing enough, not nearly enough. So thank you Tricia Hersey, for reminding us to rest.
I also want to take a moment to acknowledge all the “helpers” out there — especially the ones tending to our mental health. Let’s hear it for the therapists, counselors, and facilitators who are holding space for peoples’ wounded post-election psyches. Thank you. We appreciate you more than we can say.