Oh, the Rising of the Sun & the Running of the Deer …
What treasure does the Full Moon illuminate during this time of nurturing darkness?
Dear One,
Tonight, the hush of holy darkness is illuminated by the full silvery moon.
I invite you to set aside a time of private meditation, of sitting in the dark, perhaps with a glowing candle or by firelight in the hearth. Let the dark come down on your rational mind, the everyday way of doing things, the consumerist obligations, the frenetic energy of "so much to do!" Leave the voices of the dominant culture behind and listen to the voice of your soul. Watch for the rising of the moon in the east, right about the time the sun sets in the west.
What treasure does the Full Moon illuminate in this time of nurturing darkness?
While you sit in silence, open up your lunar consciousness, the realm of myth and dream and poetry. If full moonlight floods in through a window, so much the better. Going for a walk in the full moonlight — better still. Open up to the energy field all around you, whether you are in a city or in some wild natural place — what do you sense? What can you feel?
Send out prayers and blessings to all the beings, human and other-than-human, that catch your attention. Invite potent dreams to come during this night of the Full Moon Before Solstice. Before falling asleep, ask your Holy Helpers one or more of these questions:
What is the calling of my soul at this time?
What sacred tasks are mine to do?
How can I contribute to the greater good?
In the morning, write down the first thing that comes to mind, whether it is a dream snippet or a thought or a song. During the day, consider how it speaks to the questions you asked.